Summer Intern Opportunity

St. Mark is looking for an intern to participate in a life-changing leadership experience this summer. Alongside St. Mark’s staff, the intern will design and implement creative programs that provide opportunities for young people to Grow in Faith.
St. Mark Youth
Our youth are not the future of the church; they are the church now! There is no better time or place to instill a sense of Christian purpose, and no time when our youth need more support in navigating the transition to adulthood, than in high school. For this reason, our Youth Ministry Program offers significant opportunities to grow socially and spiritually.
Our programming events are held weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30 pm and include fun social gatherings, educational nights, service opportunities, and retreats throughout the year. We strive to have you grow closer to God and one another during our programs. Our gatherings are places of deep learning, sharing, and lots of fun. That means having a safe and fun space to learn about one another and God. We enjoy large group and small group discussions and seeing what we have in common go learn and grow together.
We want our youth to learn not only about God but how God and our faith is a part of our daily life. That means being the hands and feet of Christ in our world. We strive to make a difference in our community, to build lasting friendships, and to shine Christ in our daily life. Bring your friends – everyone is welcome!
For more information, talk to Sarah Schultz.