St. Mark Kids

Pre-K - 5th Grade

Welcome to St. Mark Kids

Kids age 3 to 5th grade are invited to be part of St. Mark Kids! Bring a friend and come have fun with others from West Des Moines, Waukee, Urbandale, Norwalk, Johnston, Des Moines, and more.

Wednesday nights start with large group games, a Bible story, and message. All kids are able to engage with each other and the leaders through fun activities to learn our weekly story.

Kids then join their small group with their leaders for age appropriate activities to form stronger peer connections through crafts, games, and diving deeper into the weekly Bible story.

St. Mark Kids meet Wednesdays, from 6:15-7:30pm in the Discipleship Center. Programming is September through May.


Answering the lesson’s Bible questions by writing in shaving cream.

Drawing the night’s Bible story as a team.

Hanging out before programming begins.

Work on your score.

Challenge an adult to a game of foosball.

In addition to regular programming, we have Sunday Kids Club! Once a month, families meet at 11:30 for a kid friendly meal and a craft. Come have fun with us!

March Sunday Kids Club: we played games with and against our adults. It was SO fun!

In February Sunday Kids Club, we traced our arms and mailed a hug to someone we love.

During January Sunday Kids Club we made warm scarves to share with our neighbors to show God’s love.

We also host an Easter Egg Hunt with early Easter worship in the spring.

Come Trunk or Treat in our parking lot in October!


You Might Be Wondering

Volunteer Screenings

St. Mark volunteers receive background checks that are updated regularly through Protect My Ministry. This also includes training to help understand and prevent child abuse.


Check-in Procedures

Children and parents receive matching printed tags and pick-up tags to ensure safety. The child’s tag identifies their age group, any allergies, and a security code, which matches the parent pick-up tag.


As a great way to help your child transition from you to programming, we serve pizza beginning at 5:30. You and your child can socialize with other families, eat pizza, and play games such as table tennis and foosball.